Lunes, Mayo 12, 2014

17th Century Mathematics

Department of Mathematics, Physics and Statistics
                                                        Visca, Baybay City, Leyte          

(Math 105)

Submitted by:
        Apas, Aluna Mae
        Espinosa, Ian Mae
        Racal, Joanna Crystel
        Taneo, Marifie
        Cagasan, Roberto
        Suralta, Roy
                                                                              Submitted To:
Ms. Irish S. Coco


In the wake of the Renaissance, the 17th Century saw an unprecedented explosion of mathematical and scientific ideas across Europe, a period sometimes called the Age of Reason.
.The invention of the logarithm in the early 17th Century by John Napier (and later improved by Napier and Henry Briggs) contributed to the advance of science, astronomy and mathematics by making some difficult calculations relatively easy. It was one of the most significant mathematical developments of the age, and 17th Century physicists like Kepler and Newton could never have performed the complex calculatons needed for their innovations without it.
What is projection
Ø  Development of Projective Geometry
Ø  The study of the "properties of figures which remain unaltered (invariant) in projection."
Ø  branch of mathematics that deals with the relationships between geometric figures and the images, or mappings, that result from projecting them onto another surface.
Ø  Study of geometry without measurement, just the study of how points align with each other.
v  The process of projecting an image onto a screen or other surface for viewing.
v  The image of a geometric figure reproduced on a line, plane, or surface.
v  Look at a checker board head on. All of the lines are parallel. Turn that same board at an angle keeping your perspective the same and what you see is quite different. The lines are no longer parallel. From a geometrical standpoint, what you are seeing is a projection of the lines of the checkerboard onto another plane.
v  It is a numerical quantity preserved by projection. It is the “ratio of ratios” of lengths.
v  a fundamental quantity in projective geometry, and is comparable to the notion of "distance" in traditional geometry, which is invariant under projection.

Desargues (1591 - 1661)
v  considered by many to be the true founder of Projective Geometry.
v  Desargues was an engineer and architect who became interested in the concept of projection.
v  His most notable work, however was the Brouillon projet which was published in 1639. This essay dealt with conics.
Two triangles are in perspective axially if and only if they are in perspective centrally.


v  Desargues never published this theorem, but it appeared in an appendix entitled Universal Method of M. Desargues for Using Perspective (Maniére universelle de M. Desargues pour practiquer la perspective) of a practical book on the use of perspective published in 1648  by his friend and pupil Abraham Bosse (1602 – 1676).
Blaise pascal
v  He focused on simplifying the properties of conic sections.
v  Pascal produced an essay that unfortunately was lost but was read by Leibniz who called it, "so brilliant that he could not believe it was written by so young a man."

Pascal's  Theorem
v  If a hexagon is inscribed in a conic, the three points of intersection of the pairs of opposite sides lie on one line."
Philippe de la hire

v  was also heavily influenced by Desargues and strongly interested in projective geometry. He is most noted for his work, Sectiones Conicae ("Conic Sections"). This work dealt entirely with projective geometry. La Hire believed strongly that the methods of projection were stronger by far than Appollonios' methods. He thus attempted to prove all 364 of Appolonios' theorems. He came very close to this goal, proving 300 of them.

Number theory
A branch of pure mathematics devoted primarily to the study of the integers.Study prime numbers as well as the properties of objects made out of integers (e.g., rational numbers) or defined as generalizations of the integers (e.g., algebraic integers).
v  Arithmetic was the old term of number theory. By the 12th century it was superseded by number theory.
v  In particular, arithmetical is preferred as an adjective to number-theoritic.

Pierre de Fermat
q  A french mathematician, who is often called the “founder of modern theory of numbers.”
q  One of the leading mathematician  of the first half of 17th century.
Great Works
ž  Given the credit for early development that led to modern calculus, and the progress in probability theory.
ž  Discovered the fundamental principle of analytic geometry.
ž  Inventor of “Differential Calculus”.
ž  Evaluated the integral power functions.
Two Square Theorem
“states that any odd prime number will be the sum of two square numbers if and only if it leaves a remainder of 1 if divided by 4”.
      This dichotomy among primes ranks as one of the landmarks of number theory.
Fermat’s Little Theorem
“states that if p is prime and a is any whole number, then p divides evenly into ap − a.”states that no three positive integers ab and c can satisfy the equation an + bn = cn for any integer value of n greater than two.”
Fermat’s Last Theorem
Ø  His famous last theorem.
Ø  A conjecture left unproven at his death and which puzzled mathematicians for over 350 years.
Fermat’s Little Theorem
Ø  Until it was proved for ALL numbers only in 1995.
Ø  (a proof usually attributed to British) mathematician, Andrew Wiles.
Ø  Though, it was a joint effort, of several steps involving many mathematician over several years.
Ø  The final proof made use of complex

Analytic Geometry
René Descartes has been dubbed the "Father of Modern Philosophy", but he was also one of the key figures in the Scientific Revolution of the 17th Century, and is sometimes considered the first of the modern school of mathematics.
In 1637, he published his ground-breaking philosophical and mathematical treatise "Discours de la méthode" (the “Discourse on Method”), and one of its appendices in particular, "La Géométrie", is now considered a landmark in the history of mathematics. Following on from early movements towards the use of symbolic expressions in mathematics by Diophantus, Al-Khwarizmi and François Viète, "La Géométrie" introduced what has become known as the standard algebraic notation, using lowercase a, b and c for known quantities and x, y and z for unknown quantities. It was perhaps the first book to look like a modern mathematics textbook, full of a's and b's, x2's, etc.
            Descartes’ ground-breaking work, usually referred to as analytic geometry or Cartesian geometry, had the effect of allowing the conversion of geometry into algebra (and vice versa). Thus, a pair of simultaneous equations could now be solved either algebraically or graphically (at the intersection of two lines). It allowed the development of Newton’s and Leibniz’s subsequent discoveries of calculus. It also unlocked the possibility of navigating geometries of higher dimensions, impossible to physically visualize - a concept which was to become central to modern technology and physics - thus transforming mathematics forever.
Although analytic geometry was far and away Descartes’ most important contribution to mathematics, he also: developed a “rule of signs” technique for determining the number of positive or negative real roots of a polynomial; "invented" (or at least popularized) the superscript notation for showing powers or exponents (e.g. 24 to show 2 x 2 x 2 x 2); and re-discovered Thabit ibn Qurra's general formula for amicable numbers, as well as the amicable pair 9,363,584 and 9,437,056 (which had also been discovered by another Islamic mathematician, Yazdi, almost a century earlier).

Elementary Probability
Galileo Galilee
Ø  Wrote down some ideas about dice games that lead to the formation of the earlier parts of probability theory.
Ø  Before the theory of probability was formed Gambling was popular. Gamblers were crafty enough to figure simple laws of probability by witnessing the events at first hand.
Pascal and Fermat
Ø  A gambler dispute in 1654 led to the creation of a Mathematical theory of probability by these two mathematician.
Chevalier de Méré
Ø  A French nobleman interested in gaming and gambling questions.
Ø  This problem posed by de Méré led to an exchange of letters between Pascal and Fermat in which the fundamental principles of probability theory were formulated for the first time.
Christian Huygens
Ø  A Dutch scientist and a teacher of Leibniz
Ø  Published the first book on probability entitled De Ratiociniis in Ludo Aleae.
Pierre de Laplace
Ø  Introduced a host new ideas and Mathematical techniques in his book, Theorie Analytiquedes Probabilites.
Applied probabilistic ideas to many scientific and practical problems.
Ø  The development of probability theory has been stimulated by the variety of its application.
Ø  Mathematical statistics is one important branch of applied probability.
Ø  The ideas have been refined somewhat and probability theory is now part of a more general discipline known as ‘measure theory’.

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