Biyernes, Oktubre 4, 2013



Days are getting into some even more modernized period and that technology plays the vital role of our advancement. Technology is embedded in our culture and we are immersed and dependent on it as time passes. In line with this, computer courses are introduced to students to bring the necessary development of our time and guide our improvements towards betterment. Educational Technology 2 is indeed a topic for instruction that caters students’ knowledge about technology and develops their skills with the application of various technologies in education. This technology in education is most simply and comfortably defined as an array of tools that might prove helpful in advancing student learning and may be measured in how and why individuals behave. Some sources define educational technology as the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. Moreover, according to Bola, B. (1994, p.2)“Educational technology consists of all modern media, methods and materials and needs to be used in a well integrated manner of maximizing the learning experiences of students at various levels. It implies a behavioral science approach in teaching and learning and makes use of relevant scientific and technological methods and principles developed in psychology, sociology, linguistics, communication and other related areas.” Educational Technology does not just introduce the uses of the available tools for technology but also renders the essential application of such technology to education. As a field, educational technology emphasizes communication skills and approaches to teaching and learning through the judicious use and integration of diverse media. As a major subject for both BSEd and BEEd students, EdTech2 suites best to the need of these students as aspiring teachers. They won’t get stacked to the concepts of traditional education but this would empower them to provide the best teachings to their future students. Acquiring significant knowledge about some computer tools to teaching would make them even more effective to their professions. They would no more rely to the time-consuming and effort-wasting traditional education but would now develop innovations to teaching involving the concepts they learned from the subject course and henceforth create a future crowd of effective teachers.
Everything has its own strengths and weaknesses and so do educational technology. However, each weak point can be covered by the positive handling of any EdTech instructors. Anyhow along the whole course, educational technology has its own strengths. Accessibility and flexibility to be used anytime and anywhere is one. With the aid of today’s advanced computer tools and other form of technology, educational technology can be easily learned and taught by the students and instructors respectively. EdTech also requires less cost as far as internet facilities are concerned. Internet cafes now invade most of the urban areas and in some part of many rural places making EdTech an easily accessed form of learning.  Broader view of possibilities for the use of technology is also an advantage of educational technology. Using technology to literate students through computer is one vital purpose of educational technology for here, students are taught with the necessary concepts of technology which computers, playing the core role, are used and are integrated to the extent. Educational technology supports the students achieve something better in life since our modern advancement now depends on how well do we know of certain technological tools. EdTech improves professional abilities of our students. The concepts being taught or learned inside the class or even in personal applications guide them towards acquiring professional skills most importantly in computer technology. EdTech empowers them to face any situations involving technological confrontations allowing them to perform tasks that may include computer applications and then on, provides them the confidence they need as soon to be professionals. However, there are problems that may occur along having educational technology in the curriculum. These problems strike the course hitting its weak points, one of which is the high cost of technology. Some tools involved in the lessons are too way expensive that the school can’t provide each of the student such necessary tools or even one of that tools to the whole class. Though there may be alternatives, still if the best learning can be acquired when having that particular tool, a 100 % effectivity for the course won’t be garnered. Some of the students are unfamiliar with technology and so giving a way for another weak point of EdTech. Though in most cases more than half of the class have that knowhow about computer, still having two to three computer illiterate students is a weakness to EdTech and a problem to instructors. However, with perseverance and appropriate teachings, instructors can inculcate at least the basic concepts of using technology. Problems with technology such as server down, internet connection failures, individual problems and etc. are also some of its weaknesses. Due to all of the mentioned problems or weaknesses of EdTEch, learning surely is affected.  A determined learner who is already going away from the learning boundaries and dejected one will hardly accommodate or motivate himself to stay longer on with education.  However, this situation can be cleared out by a vigilant teacher.
            The technology revolution increased the need to educate great number of people. I believe that Educational Technology have a lot to offer to our students that would develop their potentials as future facilitators to education. It can provide a high quality education through a diverse technology and media formats. In order to successfully implement educational technology, one must cautiously consider many aspects of EdTech such as students’ needs must be carefully balanced with the curriculum and the learning environment, teacher must serve as a supportive element who can ensure effectiveness of educational technology module and finally, selection of most appropriate technology should be done to exchange its materials.

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